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YIEB is proud to offer multiple learning opportunities for various levels and audiences. Our beit medrash is the home of weekly shiurim, minyanim, and learning events. Programs include daf yomi, gemara shiur, women’s parsha shiur, in-depth talmud, nach shiur, and other contemporary halachic programs. The Wasser Jewish Learning Institute sponsors and hosts a variety of daytime and evening programs, including Scholar-in-Residence weekends.

Moreover, our extensive Judaic library is comprised of thousands of volumes in every area of sifrei kodesh and Judaica. In addition to traditional texts in chumash, navi, mishneh, talmud, halacha, rishonimachronim, machshava, and mussar (in both Hebrew and English), the library has a vast collection of children’s books, Holocaust literature, Jewish history works, and books about the State of Israel.

Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785