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From pre-school through high school, the youth department, YIEB Youth, has a wide range of programming to meet everyone’s needs.

Shabbat Groups & Teen Minyan

Shabbat morning begins with youth groups and teen minyan. Two- and three-year-old children have a chance to play, sing, daven, hear a Torah story, and enjoy a snack. Pre-school and kindergarten children enjoy age-appropri­ate davening focused on the meaning of tefillot, followed by games and snacks. First and second graders begin davening each Shabbat with increasing opportunities for leadership and explora­tion of tefillot; they also enjoy trivia, games, and snacks. 

As a gateway to teen minyan, third, fourth, and fifth grad­ers are given more independence and encouraged to lead tefillot and explore weekly parshiot. After davening they enjoy some down time, socialize and play games.

Teen Minyan is a self-governed, comprehensive Shabbat-morning minyan led by YIEB teens who layn, daven, and serve as gabbaim. Anyone who is a bar or bat mitzvah through college is welcome to participate in Teen Minyan. 

Additionally, YIEB middle school students and high school students meet monthly for special programming planned by the group’s board of students.

Additional Programs

YIEB Youth organizes a broad range of programs to enhance the lives of our children and teens. The youth are often the centerpiece of shul-wide programs, such as our annual Purim mesibah, Dor L’Dor learning on Saturday evening, sukkah hop, NCSY Friday Night Lights, and the Shabbat morning component of our Yom HaAtz­maut celebration. Other programs have included movie night, paintball, scavenger hunts, bowling, lasertag, and apple picking. Our children of all ages bring their exceptional passion, energy, and enthusiasm to the Young Israel and the greater East Brunswick community.

Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784