Announcements 12/6
Mazal Tov to Cheryl and Aaron Shmulewitz on the birth of a grandson, to Isaac and Talia Shmulewitz. Mazal Tov to big brothers Elijah and Ethan. Special Mazal Tov to Uncle Joseph Shmulewitz and Aunt Shira Saul, to Aunt Serena Shmulewitz, and to cousins Sophie and Jeremy Shmulewitz. Very special Mazal Tov to Great Granny Sheila Garbuz.
Mazel Tov to Ilene and Larry Weintraub on the engagement of their son, Simon Weintraub to Adina Horowitz. Mazel Tov also to Adina’s parents Mindy Horowitz and Ami Horowitz. Mazel Tov to the grandparents and siblings.
David Alan & Michele Falk: In memory of Esther Falk and Elliott Falk
Alan & Jan Hader: In memory of Manachem Mendel ben Aharon, Raisel Freida bat Shimon Nachum, and Nachum Shimon ben Manachum Mendel.
Justin & Masha Hirsch: In memory of Justin's grandmother, Gloria Shapiro, and grandfather, Martin Hirsch
Mark & Lisa Huppert: In memory of Adele & Bernhard Huppert.
Mark & Rama Koslowe: In memory of Rama's mother, Yehudit Leah bat Moshe HaLevi, and Mark's parents, HaRav Yitzchak Chaim ben HaRav Moshe, and Malka bat Menachem Mendel
Jack & Robin Muchnick: In memory of Jack's parents Nathan Muchnick and Edna Muchnick, and Robin's mother, Marlow Greene.
Leon & Nancy Paley: In memory of Leon's father, Joseph Paley and brother, Michael Paley.
Hashkama Minyan Kiddush
This week’s Hashkama Minyan kiddush is sponsored in honor of Dan and Sarita Sragow by a group of their friends and years long fans. We can’t thank Dan and Sarita enough for all they have done for our shul and our community, and we wish them much hatzlacha as they begin their next chapter. We will miss you!!
Announcements 11/30
To Lilya & Eddie Blinder on the birth of a baby girl!
To Josh & Yael Segal, siblings Zevi, Tamar & Danny Blank and Ruthie, and grandparents Evelyn & Jeffrey Berg on the engagement of Joseph Segal to Shoshana Ostreicher.
Shabbat Mevarchim / Rosh Chodesh kiddush is sponsored by Ricky & Joseph Yellin in honor of all their grandchildren near and far.
Seudat Shlishit is sponsored by Eugene & Dara Tsuprun. With gratitude to Hashem, please join us for the Seuda Hoda'ah of Dara and Chaim Zusha Tsuprun.
This week's Motzei Shabbat learning is sponsored by Mendel & Ilana Steinmentz.
To our amazing YIEB members for helping to cook and bake delicious dishes for our wonderful East Brunswick Police Department! Thank you to all the wonderful cooks who came together to cook and bake: Abie Weiss, Naomi Gross, Dasi Klatzkin, Yael Klatzkin, Maya Rosenstock, Noa Sandler, and a special thanks to Leslie Schwartz for hosting the middle school chefs. Thank you to the families who helped at home: Yavin, Schneider, Muchnick, Pickholz, Wasserman, Gianna Kagel, and Eliana Guralnik. And a special thanks to the Thurms for sponsoring it all in memory of Ezra Schwartz’s 9th Yahrtzeit.